Mounting systems for the largest solar carport in the world

Mounting systems for the largest solar carport in the world
Mounting Systems has developed its Sigma Carport solution for the world's first 35 MWp solar carport park supplied by Solarfields and Lowlandsin Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands. The solar park is being built on the Lowlands parking lots next to the MOJO open-air festival site and covers an area of 35 hectares. A total of 90,000 bifacial solar modules will generate 35 MWp of energy, equivalent to the electricity consumption of 10,000 households per year or 100 festival weekends. Currently, the parking lot is used by at least four major festivals from May through October. The annual carbon emissions avoided are 18,410,000 kg.
Mounting Systems has supplied its Sigma Carport solution for the world's first 35 MWp solar carport park at Solarfields and Lowlands in Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands. The solar park is being built on the Lowlands parking lots next to the MOJO open-air festival site and covers an area of 35 hectares. A total of 90,000 bifacial solar modules will generate 35 MWp of energy, equivalent to the electricity consumption of 10,000 households per year or 100 festival weekends. Currently, the parking lot is used by at least four major festivals from May through October. The annual carbon emissions avoided are 18.410.000 kg.

Steel structures on a sturdy foundation
After a thorough assessment of the ground conditions, 2,770 special concrete foundation piles, each five meters long and weighing three tons, were driven into the ground. Once a stable foundation had been created, the steel systems were installed. Depending on the application, three different types of steel structures were assembled from standardized components - two structures for one car with three PV modules vertically and one structure for two cars (facing each other) with five PV modules vertically. The hot-dip galvanized structures in combination with the robust concrete foundations guarantee a solid and reliable carport system for more than 25 years.

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