HSE im Fokus: Jeannette Donda über ihre neue Rolle

HSE im Fokus: Jeannette Donda über ihre neue Rolle als Managerin für Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umwelt

Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umwelt

Neuer HSE-Bereich bei Mounting Systems: Ein sicherer Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheit

Seit Oktober gibt es bei uns im Unternehmen einen neuen Bereich für Health, Safety & Environment (HSE). Dem Qualitätsmanagement zugehörig, sorgt er dafür, dass gesetzliche Anforderungen im Gesundheitsschutz, der Arbeitssicherheit und im Umweltmanagement eingehalten werden. Kurzum, es werden hier die Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen, die ein sicheres und nachhaltiges Arbeitsumfeld ermöglichen, von dem Mounting Systems und die Mitarbeiter profitieren!

Da wir mehr über den Bereich erfahren wollten, haben wir mit Jeannette, unserer HSE Managerin, ein Interview geführt. Folgend erfahrt ihr mehr über sie und ihre neuen Aufgaben und wie wir alle im Unternehmen von ihr und Ihrem Verantwortungsbereich profitieren können.

Worum kümmerst Du Dich alles als HSE Managerin?
Für welche Themen bist Du verantwortlich?

Jeannette: Ich bin die zentrale Anlaufstelle nach Innen und Außen, wenn es um Gesundheitsschutz, Arbeitssicherheit und Umweltmanagement geht. Auf Basis gesetzlicher Vorgaben schaffe ich standardisierte Prozesse und Rahmenbedingungen. Diese gewährleisten ein sicheres Arbeitsumfeld, gesunde Mitarbeiter und eine nachhaltige Unternehmenspolitik.

Warum hast Du Dich dafür entschieden?

Jeannette: Ich liebe es, mich in neue Aufgaben hineinzuarbeiten und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Aus meinem BWL-Studium und meiner zehnjährigen Selbständigkeit bringe ich einerseits unternehmerisches Handeln und Denken mit. Das ist notwendig, um frühzeitig Risiken zu erkennen, Maßnahmen abzuleiten und Entscheidungen zu treffen. Andererseits ist es mir immer wichtig, auch den Menschen zu sehen, Bedürfnisse wahrzunehmen und mich für das Wohlergehen anderer einzusetzen.

Hast Du Dir Ziele gesetzt? Wenn ja, wie sehen die aus?

Jeannette: Die konkreten Zielbilder der einzelnen Bereiche sind aktuell im Aufbau. Unabhängig davon habe ich aber eine Vision. Und zwar, dass Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umweltverantwortung in unserer MSY-Unternehmensphilosophie fest verankert sind.

Wenn Du einen Wunsch im Arbeitskontext frei hättest,
wie würde der lauten?

Jeannette: Mein Wunsch ist, dass die von mir geschaffenen Rahmenbedingungen mit Leben gefüllt werden. Das heißt, dass verstanden wird, warum es notwendig ist, diesen Bereich in den Arbeitsalltag zu integrieren und wie jeder Einzelne seinen Beitrag dazu leisten kann.

Nachhaltigkeit ist mittlerweile so ein abgedroschenes Wort.
Was bedeutet das konkret für Dich? 

Jeannette: Nachhaltig bedeutet für mich, dass ich bewusst und achtsam Dinge so mache, dass sie im Moment des Tuns sinnhaft sind und auf lange Sicht positiv für die Welt und alle Beteiligten nachwirken. Sozusagen eine Strahlkraft aus dem Jetzt in die Zukunft.

Wie integrierst Du das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in Deinem Privatleben?

Jeannette: Das geschieht auf sehr vielfältige Weise. Beispielsweise in meinen zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen – familiär, freundschaftlich und im Arbeitskontext. Oder es äußert sich in meiner Verbindung zur Natur oder in meinem Respekt gegenüber unseren Ressourcen. Im September bin ich beispielsweise mit zwei Freundinnen und unseren Fahrrädern von Berlin nach Usedom geradelt – von dieser Zeit zehre ich immer noch und werde bestimmt meinen (Ur-)Enkeln noch davon erzählen.

MSY bringt grüne Energie ins Spiel

MSY bringt grüne Energie ins Spiel

Hauptsponsor für Bridlington Town FC

Wir freuen uns, Euch von unserem spannenden Sponsoringprojekt in England zu berichten! Unser Kunde, HDM Worldwide, hat kürzlich den Fußballclub Bridlington Town übernommen und uns, die Mounting Systems GmbH, als Hauptsponsor mit ins Boot geholt. Ein besonders aufregendes Element dieses Projekts ist die geplante Installation von Solarzellen auf dem Dach des Queensgate Stadions, das Platz für 2.800 Zuschauer bietet. HDM Worldwide hat angekündigt, dass diese nachhaltige Initiative nicht nur zur Reduzierung des ökologischen Fußabdrucks des Clubs beitragen wird, sondern auch dazu, die Energieeinsparungen an die Fans weiterzugeben. Ziel ist es, die Ticketpreise zu senken und somit den Zugang zum Fußball für alle zu erleichtern.

Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit
im Stadion

Wir sind absolut begeistert, Bridlington Town zu sponsern und die Möglichkeit zu haben, einen so fantastischen Verein zu unterstützen! Es ist ein Privileg, unsere erstklassigen, in Deutschland hergestellten Solarmontagelösungen im gesamten Stadion zu präsentieren und damit unser Engagement für Exzellenz und Nachhaltigkeit zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Diese Partnerschaft markiert für uns den Beginn einer spannenden Reise, auf der wir unsere Markenbekanntheit in Großbritannien erhöhen und unser Engagement als Premium-Anbieter innovativer und nachhaltiger Produkte in der Photovoltaik-Industrie demonstrieren wollen. Wir sind nicht nur stolz auf die hervorragende Qualität unserer Anlagen, sondern auch auf unser Engagement für transparente und ethische Geschäftspraktiken.

Wir ermutigen alle Solar-Enthusiasten, für ihre Anlagen die besten in Deutschland hergestellten Halterungen zu wählen, so wie es Bridlington Town getan hat, und uns bei unserer Mission für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu unterstützen.“ Für Mounting Systems ist dieses Projekt nicht nur eine großartige Gelegenheit, sich an einem umweltfreundlichen Vorhaben zu beteiligen, sondern auch eine hervorragende Plattform, um unsere Produkte durch umfangreiche Werbemaßnahmen im Stadion zu präsentieren. Wir sind stolz darauf, Teil dieses innovativen Projekts zu sein und freuen uns auf die positive Wirkung, die es sowohl für die Fans als auch für die Umwelt haben wird.

Training with purpose: combining sustainability and career

Training with purpose: combining sustainability and career

Sustainable training

Live your passion

YOLO - ever heard of it? It was the youth word of the year back in 2012 and it's on the list again this year. "You Only Live Once" - you only live once. A perfect motto when it comes to choosing a career. After all, life is too short to do a job that you don't enjoy. That's why it's important to find out what suits you before you start your career.

For this reason, we were represented at the Südring Center's training fair last weekend to advise interested pupils and those looking for training and to inform them about our range of services.

Many young people and adults visited our stand with interest and got talking to us. There was a great demand for student internships and apprenticeships. We have even been successful in receiving the first applications.

Shaping the future

Sustainable education for a better world

But it's not just fun and passion that should play a role when it comes to choosing an apprenticeship. In today's world, it is just as important to pay attention to sustainability. A sustainable education not only helps to protect our environment, but can also bring long-term benefits for your own career and society.

At Mounting Systems GmbH, we consider in-company training to be a key pillar of our sustainability strategy. Our approach aims not only to develop skilled professionals, but also to promote sustainable values and practices that will benefit our company and the environment in the long term.

We are delighted to welcome new trainees to our company again this year. Professions in the field of renewable energies not only offer interesting and varied fields of work, but also help to make the world a better place. In addition, these professions are often crisis-proof and offer good prospects for the future.

So why not combine the "YOLO" idea with sustainable education? Because if you only live once, you should use this opportunity to do something good not only for yourself, but also for the world.

FIXX the World - United for an environmentally friendly future

FIXX the World - Together for a green future

Sustainable carport solutions

Turning parking lots into green power plants

At a time when the world urgently needs environmentally friendly solutions, Mounting Systems is a pioneer in the development of innovative technologies for sustainable power generation. Our mission is clear: with our motto "FIXX the World", we are actively committed to a better and greener future. It is precisely for this reason that we have developed our latest product, the E-Port FIXX, was launched on the market.

The idea behind the E-Port FIXX is as simple as it is ingenious. There are huge, unused concrete surfaces in almost every country, be it in parking lots in front of supermarkets, shopping centers or office buildings. These unused areas offer a lot of potential. Why not use them efficiently and turn them into a sustainable source of energy?

Our E-Port FIXX is more than just a carport. It not only provides a large area of shade for parked vehicles, but also produces solar energy at the same time. This transforms an ordinary parking canopy into a modern solar solution that actively contributes to reducing CO₂ emissions. With every E-Port FIXX installed, we bring the world one step closer to an emission-free future.


But that's not all. The E-Port FIXX also stands for flexibility and adaptability. It can be installed in a wide variety of environments - from urban housing estates to rural industrial areas. This opens up countless opportunities to convert unused space into valuable resources and thus further promote the expansion of renewable energies.

With the E-Port FIXX, we want to show that sustainable energy generation does not have to be complicated. Each individual can make their own contribution and together we can change the world - step by step, project by project. Let's FIXX the world together to create a greener, more liveable future.

Find out more about our new E-Port FIXX

Together for a green future: Mounting Systems takes part in city cycling

Together for a green future: Mounting Systems takes part in city cycling

City cycling

Mounting Systems makes kilometers for environmental protection

On your marks, get set, go! With the starting signal on 13.05.2024, we have actively moved for the environment for the third time in a row this year. Because we at Mounting Systems not only develop innovative solutions for substructures for PV modules, we also pedal hard.

During the city cycling event, we showed that we take responsibility and have a lot of fun at the same time. Our employees took part with great enthusiasm and made a positive contribution to the environment and team spirit by cycling.

With 19 motivated cyclists from our team, we covered an impressive 5,033 kilometers! That means 254 journeys and a whopping 835.4 kg of CO₂ saved.

A special highlight was the city cycling award ceremony at the Gutsparkfest in Groß Machnow, where our top cyclists Chris and Peter were honored for their outstanding achievements and received their well-deserved prizes.

Looking to the future:

City cycling was not only a sporting challenge, but also a great opportunity to work together for a more sustainable future. We are proud of the great results and can't wait to get going as a team again next year!

Find out more about city cycling here.

ETN certification from Mounting Systems sets new standards

Interview: ETN certification sets new standards


ETN certificate for the French market

We recently received the ETN certificate for the French market, a milestone in bringing our products to the French market. In this interview, we will go into more detail about what this certification means for the company, what impact it will have on the solar market in France and what future developments we can expect.

We are pleased to present an exclusive interview with Sonia P. (Head of Sales Europe) to present:

Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Sonia: I'm Sonia and I've been working for MSY as International Sales Manager since 2021, developing the brand in international markets, especially in France.

Could you briefly explain to us what exactly this certificate means and what significance it has for your company?

Sonia: The ETN (New Technical Study) is a technical study on the compatibility between certain solar modules and mounting systems. The technical assessment is carried out by inspection offices and the Scientific and Technical Center for Construction, which checks critical points such as watertightness, mechanical resistance, fire risk, etc.. This is usually required by insurance companies before the completion of a photovoltaic roof project in France. If you want to be present in France, you must have it.

What specific requirements and standards did Mounting Systems have to meet in order to obtain the ETN certificate? Were there any challenges during the certification process?

Sonia: We had to comply with a very detailed list of standards, edit a report, carry out internal tests, but also external tests in a special laboratory. It was hard work involving various departments and colleagues.

How will the ETN certificate affect market access and your business opportunities in France? Are there any specific expectations or goals that Mounting Systems would like to achieve with this certificate?

Sonia: It is important to obtain the ETN if you want to sell your product in France. So if we get all our systems certified, we can become a major player in the solar sector in France. French legislation is very strict and new laws have been passed, for example for carports, which will give us a good opportunity to sell our industrial carports for large parking lots.

What advantages does Mounting Systems offer compared to other providers on the market?

Sonia: We offer a complete Product portfolio for on-roof, in-roof, various types of flat roofs and also ground mounting and carports. Our customers have access to a very complete range of products and can work in both the private and commercial sectors.

Can you tell us something about your experience with the French solar market? How do you assess the potential and development opportunities for renewable energies in France?

Sonia: We are ready to sell on the French market, which is a huge market with great potential in the residential and commercial/project sectors. The use of solar energy, e.g. for carports, is encouraged by French legislation.

To what extent does Mounting Systems support the energy transition and the expansion of renewable energies in France and worldwide? What role do our products play in this?

Sonia: In our markets, we have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the energy transition, including renewable energies and a green future. For us, sustainability not only means durable and long-lasting products, but also environmental awareness and responsibility for the future.

What further steps or plans does Mounting Systems have for the future to strengthen its presence on the French market and further expand its range of solar substructures?

Sonia: We need to set up a technical and sales team for France in order to offer a comprehensive service in French and to adapt our products and services to the market.

Finally, is there anything else you would like to tell our readers, particularly with regard to the importance of certifications and quality standards in the renewable energy sector?


Sonia: Mounting Systems' philosophy is that we are more than just a brand. We offer not only products, but also services such as technical support, sales service and marketing. Compliance with all types of certifications is very important to us and therefore we are committed to complying with the standards of the renewable energy sector.

Thank you very much for the interview.


Sonia: It was a pleasure.

ETN Certification

Trust in quality: our products proudly carry the ETN certificate

The Trapeze ProLine, which is equipped with the 5/40 rail for upright mounting, is an excellent solution that is characterized by the ETN certificate for the French market. This certification confirms the outstanding quality and performance of this specific configuration compared to other mounting options. With the ETN certificate as a guarantee of quality, customers can be sure that the Trapeze ProLine with the 5/40 rail meets the stringent requirements of the French solar market and offers a reliable and efficient solution for their solar installations.

Trapeze ProLine

Ter Apel, Netherlands - Sigma II w. ground screw

Ter Apel , Netherlands
26 MWp

News Company

Project of the month - Ter Apel, Netherlands


MSY Group delivered the next interesting project to our partner Belectric in the Netherlands. Challenging ground and complicated environmental conditions made our Sigma II including Krinner ground screws for the best possible solution for this project. With an installed capacity of 26 MWp, it is a further contribution to the energy transition in Europe... and there's more to come!

Many thanks to our partner, Belectric GmbH, Kolitzheim and their exceptional team! It was great to work with you!

Project name:Ter Apel
Project countryNetherlands
PV capacity26 MWp 
Project start2023
Frame systemSigma II - 3V/3P

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A new era begins

Our new building is ready for the future

More room for innovation and efficiency

Our drive drives our customers' successes.

The opening of a new plant often marks a turning point in the development of a company. It is a bold step into the future that is eagerly awaited. For us at Mounting Systems, this moment was not only exciting but also extremely important, as we want to guarantee our customers a better delivery time as well as better availability. In this blog article, we would like to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the benefits we have achieved through our recent expansion.

More space, more possibilities. Our modern production and warehouse building was officially inaugurated recently. Close to our headquarters, we now have an additional production facility with an impressive total area of 25,677 square meters. Of this, Unit 2 (storage area) accounts for a proud 10,175 square meters and Unit 3 (production area) for a generous 5,116 square meters. In addition, approximately 2,175.88 square meters of office and ancillary space were created to ensure efficient coordination of all logistical aspects.

A mezzanine area of approximately 1,278.90 square meters was also used as a storage area and helps maximize our storage capacity. These premises offer us double the capacity for the material produced and a large storage area where the goods can be well stored.

Mounting Systems on course for expansion

We are looking forward to being able to supply our customers and business partners even faster and more efficiently. The expansion not only opens up spatial possibilities for us, but also a wealth of new perspectives. Thanks to the improved infrastructure, we now have better access to the highway, resulting in a more efficient supply chain. Our order logistics are excited about the possibilities offered by our new Plant 2 and are ready to process all orders with maximum precision and efficiency as usual.

"The location of our logistics area in this new building allows us to plan and coordinate all deliveries for our customers and partners even more efficiently. We have installed special ramps that enable safe loading of the trucks. This has not only optimized our logistics processes, but also significantly shortened the entire delivery process," explains Antje Mosch, Team Leader Order Logistics.

This expansion has the additional positive effect of creating further jobs on the labor market. The increase in production capacity and thus faster order processing for customers was our drive for this investment.

We would like to thank our customers and partners for their support and trust and look forward to new, exciting projects in the future. You are cordially invited to visit us at the new location. Stay up to date and don't miss any of our updates.

Mounting Systems on LinkedIn 

Topping-out ceremony 24.01.

Topping-out ceremony at Germany's largest Panattoni Park

With the topping-out ceremony, the last construction phase of the largest Panattoni Park built so far in Germany has now been completed. In total, the property comprises five halls with a total floor space of 130,000m2 on a site area of 28ha, divided into 13 units with a respective hall height of 12m UKB. The new space will be occupied by the German manufacturer of photovoltaic mounting systems Mounting Systems GmbH and DHL Supply Chain, the division of Deutsche Post DHL Group specializing in contract logistics. Panattoni Park Berlin South is thus fully leased.

Panattoni press release

Werk 4 - The time has come

Our new production and storage facility is about to open!

The countdown is on and we can't wait to finally be able to process more orders. The entire team is excited and we invite you all to join us on this exciting adventure. Follow us for all the latest information!

Mounting Systems on LinkedIn 

Plant 4 - completion Q1 2023

More space - more possibilities

Due to the steadily increasing demand for our substructures, we will adapt our production and logistics processes as quickly as possible and thus more than double our capacities.

With a total area of 25,677m², another production facility will be built close to our main office. Another 1,905m² will soon be available to us as additional office space.

We are looking forward to generating more jobs through the expansion of our existing location in Rangsdorf and to soon be able to deliver more goods to our customers and partners in a shorter time.

Webcam 27.03.2023
Locations in Brandenburg
Locations in Brandenburg

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PV Systems


Planning Tools

30 years anniversary

Jubilee 2023

Three successful decades of trend-setting innovation and development - a constant in the solar industry

This year we celebrate our 30th anniversary and would like to thank our customers and business partners for their many years of loyalty. Mounting Systems is a company that specializes in the development of durable and innovative solar mounting systems and thus not only makes a decisive contribution to a clean environment, but also ensures a good working and customer climate.

Summer party

Summer Sun Mounting Systems

On Friday, 23.06.2023, the time had finally come: Our 3-in-1 party could begin. With over 300 guests we celebrated our summer party, the 30th anniversary and the opening of the new factory. The motto was "Summer-Sun-Mounting Systems". But the weather in Rangsdorf did not want to stick to it and gave us a present in the form of heavy rain showers and a cool breeze. Thanks to the good preparation and the new premises at Maulbeerstraße 13, all colleagues, families and guests stayed dry, as the celebration was simply moved indoors. Our new facility was thus duly inaugurated. Who needs warm temperatures and sunshine?

more than a party.
it's a jubilee.

Everyone was surprised with a large selection of food trucks, a huge show truck that prepared delicious cocktails and much more, and a photo box where you could capture the beautiful moments. On the stage many exciting program points took place. Various dance groups from Dabendorf and Rangsdorf showed their skills. Live singing and a DJ provided the musical entertainment and encouraged dancing. Also for our small guests was provided. Two large bouncy castles were set up for them to play and romp around. There was a table with face painting and glitter tattoos. There they could have different motifs painted on their faces. Many parents took home little cats, lions or flower fairies. The balloon artist conjured up pirate swords and various animals for the children. All in all, our 30th anniversary was a great success and we would like to thank all our colleagues and service providers for their great efforts. A special thank you goes to everyone who joined in the celebration and made sure that this day will be remembered for a long time to come.


Summer party at the new location

The special highlight of the summer festival was the location.

We are looking forward to generating more jobs through the expansion of our existing location in Rangsdorf and to soon be able to deliver more goods to our customers and partners in a shorter time.


Mounting Systems Rangsdorf

Fighting Climate Change With Renewable Energy: We Are the Foundation

We are privileged to make a positive contribution to the energy transition towards renewable energies and a green future. For us, sustainability means not only durable and long-lasting products, but also environmental awareness and responsibility for the world of tomorrow.

Everything we do is geared towards the goal of minimizing our ecological footprint and offering only state-of-the-art photovoltaic solutions. This is achieved through optimized production processes and efficient quality and supply chain management. As an ISO-certified company, it is particularly important for us to comply with environmental requirements and regulations.

Our quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015. In addition, the performance consistency of our products for steel and aluminium supporting structures is regularly assessed and confirmed according to EN1090 up to design class 2+.  

Measures to reduce the carbon footprint:

Circular economyThe products of Mounting Systems are either made of steel or pure aluminum, which is not mixed with additional materials, such as for example plastic. This ensures full recyclability without degradation of the material.
RecyclingAluminum that does not end up in the final commission is melted down to be reused.
Clever packaging technologyAll packaging is returned to the recycling loop.
In-house supplyOur machinery and equipment are partially powered by solar energy generated in-house.

An industrial dishwasher is used to remove aluminum chips from the materials, and the resulting excess energy from the machine is used to heat the water in the building.

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