Chokwe, Angola - 122.4 MWp

Chokwe, Angola - 122.4 MWp

References Solar Parks & Utility-Scale

Four solar parks in Angola

Together with our Portuguese partner MCA Group, we have started to install the first cluster of a 300 MWp pipeline. This marks the successful completion of many years of preparation and planning.

Project nameChokwe
Project locationAngola
PV capacity122.4 MWp
Project start2024
Frame systemSigma II - 2V/2P configuration
Scope of servicesStability analysis, design of the substructure, logistics processing and delivery

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Evertz, Germany - 1.7 MWp

Evertz, Germany, 1.7 MWp

News Company

Evertz solar park, Germany


Are you looking for a partner who will also tackle smaller projects with you?
Here you can see an example that has just been completed. From pull-out test, corrosivity analysis to mechanical installation - everything from a single source!

Project nameEvertz
Project locationGermany
PV capacity1.7 MWp
Project start2024
Frame systemSigma II - 2V/2P configuration
Scope of servicesPull-out test, soil analysis for corrosive behavior, design of the substructure and delivery,
Ramming posts, mechanical assembly, module fastening

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1 year of cooperation with Krinner - a success story!

News Company

1 year of cooperation with Krinner Ground Screws - a success story ....


.... goes on!

Many thanks to the Krinner Ground Screws - Team for the excellent cooperation over the past 12 months. With such a reliable partner, it is a pleasure and an incentive to tackle the next 12 months.

Weak soil, highly corrosive, what to do?

No problem with the successful duo MSY Sigma II and KSF earth screw.

Project nameLochem
Project locationNetherlands
PV capacity10 MWp
Frame systemSigma II - 3V/3P

... and another example!

Project nameHavebos
Project locationNetherlands
PV capacity17.6 MWp
Frame systemSigma II - 3V/3P

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Lüneburg landfill, Germany

Lüneburg, Germany, 2.7 MWp

References Solar Parks & Utility-Scale

Lüneburg landfill, Germany

We have already mastered landfills with extreme challenges posed by the building structure with our Sigma systems - here is an example from Lüneburg.

Project nameLüneburg
Project locationGermany
PV capacity2.7 MWp
Project start2012
Frame systemProject-specific solution

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Ter Apel, Netherlands - Sigma II w. ground screw

Ter Apel , Netherlands
26 MWp

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Project of the month - Ter Apel, Netherlands


MSY Group delivered the next interesting project to our partner Belectric in the Netherlands. Challenging ground and complicated environmental conditions made our Sigma II including Krinner ground screws for the best possible solution for this project. With an installed capacity of 26 MWp, it is a further contribution to the energy transition in Europe... and there's more to come!

Many thanks to our partner, Belectric GmbH, Kolitzheim and their exceptional team! It was great to work with you!

Project name:Ter Apel
Project countryNetherlands
PV capacity26 MWp 
Project start2023
Frame systemSigma II - 3V/3P

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A new era begins

Our new building is ready for the future

More room for innovation and efficiency

Our drive drives our customers' successes.

The opening of a new plant often marks a turning point in the development of a company. It is a bold step into the future that is eagerly awaited. For us at Mounting Systems, this moment was not only exciting but also extremely important, as we want to guarantee our customers a better delivery time as well as better availability. In this blog article, we would like to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the benefits we have achieved through our recent expansion.

More space, more possibilities. Our modern production and warehouse building was officially inaugurated recently. Close to our headquarters, we now have an additional production facility with an impressive total area of 25,677 square meters. Of this, Unit 2 (storage area) accounts for a proud 10,175 square meters and Unit 3 (production area) for a generous 5,116 square meters. In addition, approximately 2,175.88 square meters of office and ancillary space were created to ensure efficient coordination of all logistical aspects.

A mezzanine area of approximately 1,278.90 square meters was also used as a storage area and helps maximize our storage capacity. These premises offer us double the capacity for the material produced and a large storage area where the goods can be well stored.

Mounting Systems on course for expansion

We are looking forward to being able to supply our customers and business partners even faster and more efficiently. The expansion not only opens up spatial possibilities for us, but also a wealth of new perspectives. Thanks to the improved infrastructure, we now have better access to the highway, resulting in a more efficient supply chain. Our order logistics are excited about the possibilities offered by our new Plant 2 and are ready to process all orders with maximum precision and efficiency as usual.

"The location of our logistics area in this new building allows us to plan and coordinate all deliveries for our customers and partners even more efficiently. We have installed special ramps that enable safe loading of the trucks. This has not only optimized our logistics processes, but also significantly shortened the entire delivery process," explains Antje Mosch, Team Leader Order Logistics.

This expansion has the additional positive effect of creating further jobs on the labor market. The increase in production capacity and thus faster order processing for customers was our drive for this investment.

We would like to thank our customers and partners for their support and trust and look forward to new, exciting projects in the future. You are cordially invited to visit us at the new location. Stay up to date and don't miss any of our updates.

Mounting Systems on LinkedIn 

Topping-out ceremony 24.01.

Topping-out ceremony at Germany's largest Panattoni Park

With the topping-out ceremony, the last construction phase of the largest Panattoni Park built so far in Germany has now been completed. In total, the property comprises five halls with a total floor space of 130,000m2 on a site area of 28ha, divided into 13 units with a respective hall height of 12m UKB. The new space will be occupied by the German manufacturer of photovoltaic mounting systems Mounting Systems GmbH and DHL Supply Chain, the division of Deutsche Post DHL Group specializing in contract logistics. Panattoni Park Berlin South is thus fully leased.

Panattoni press release

Werk 4 - The time has come

Our new production and storage facility is about to open!

The countdown is on and we can't wait to finally be able to process more orders. The entire team is excited and we invite you all to join us on this exciting adventure. Follow us for all the latest information!

Mounting Systems on LinkedIn 

Plant 4 - completion Q1 2023

More space - more possibilities

Due to the steadily increasing demand for our substructures, we will adapt our production and logistics processes as quickly as possible and thus more than double our capacities.

With a total area of 25,677m², another production facility will be built close to our main office. Another 1,905m² will soon be available to us as additional office space.

We are looking forward to generating more jobs through the expansion of our existing location in Rangsdorf and to soon be able to deliver more goods to our customers and partners in a shorter time.

Webcam 27.03.2023
Locations in Brandenburg
Locations in Brandenburg

How can we help you further?


PV Systems


Planning Tools

Hristeni, Bulgaria, 121 MWp

Self-Locking Scissor Jack

121 MWp
Hristeni, Bulgaria

News Company

Large-Scale Hybrid Project


The first large-scale European hybrid project combining a performance-optimized fixed-tilt system with a yield-optimized single-axis tracking system on very difficult terrain.

Project nameHristeni
Project locationBulgaria
PV capacity121 MWp 
Frame systemSigma Tracker + Sigma II

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Saarhof, Germany - 13.9 MWp

13.9 MWp
Saarhof, Germany

References Solar Parks & Utility-Scale

Saarhof, Germany - 13.9 MWp

MSY Group has delivered and implemented the next challenging project in Germany. With an angle of inclination of more than 12°, our Sigma II once again proven to be one of the most adaptable, flexible and competitive PV substructure solution.

Project name:Saarhof
Project countryGermany
PV capacity13.9 MWp 
Start of operation2022
Frame systemSigma II - 3V/3P configuration

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