Sigma TR2
PV tracking system

PV tracking systems

Sigma TR2 - Details

Technical details

Tracker type Horizontal single-axis tracked PV system
Module Type All framed mono and bifacial modules
Module Orientation2P/2V (Portrait/Vertical) optional 4L/4H (Landscape/Horizontal)
Flexible strand-optimized design
Up to 240 PV modules per tracker
Bifaciality Optimized for bifacial application based on specifications
the module manufacturer

Mechanical features

Module Inclination± 60°
Wind loadIn motion up to 90 km/h
Up to 260 km/h in safety position
Temperature rangefrom -25°C to +60°C
Ground screws,
Concrete foundation
Module mountingaccording to the module manufacturer's installation instructions
on a torsion-resistant frame
DriveDrive based on self-locking linear actuators with
mechanical synchronization

Electrical features & control systems

Power supply Standard: 400V, 50/60Hz, 0.55 kW per tracker
Optional: 230V, 50/60Hz, 0.55 kW per tracker
Control system Sigma Control®
Decentralized control system on each tracker
Siemens SIMATIC S7 including frequency inverter
Application Astronomical sun tracking with adaptive backtracking with or off-set
to optimize the bifacial yield,
Adaptive wind mode and safety positioning,
Snow protection mode,
Low light mode,
Harvest mode - modules set up on both sides for passage,
Water mode - continuous angle change during rain showers for
Distribution of the water,
Various service modes - freely programmable
MonitoringSigma View®
Open interface architecture
Role-based access control
Multi-park monitoring
Sensors 2 x tilt sensor with an accuracy of +/-0.5°
Wind sensor - number depends on the topology of the project location
Snow sensor - depending on geography
Communication Modbus RS485 between field and drive control box;
PROFINET project-wide communication
SCADA interface via Modbus/TCP


Warranty Frame: 10 years
Drive: 5 years
For the designated operating period of up to 50 years


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