Omega TR1
PV tracking system

PV tracking systems

Omega TR1

The Sophisticated Single-Axis Solar Tracking System for Extra-Large Bifacial PV Modules

For large solar parks, our Omega TR1 offers you an excellent cost-benefit ratio. The solar tracker is specially designed for the use of bifacial modules and therefore guarantees minimal shading of the rear side.

The Omega TR1 has a self-locking design to prevent twisting and rocking of the module surface.

Industrial standard components in the drive and in the control system, coupled with our stability guarantee, enable long operating periods.

  • Applications

    • Ground-mount projects
    • Agri PV
    • Glass-glass modules
    • Framed modules
    • Bifacial modules
    • Portrait mounting
    • Landscape mounting
    • 10 years warranty
    • 25 -50 years stability guarantee
  • System configuration

    • 1P/1V with an angle of attack of up to 60° for an optimized power/yield balance
    • Central power supply enables low-maintenance operation without batteries


    • DC-Strangversorgung mit unabhängiger und batteriegesicherter Versorgung
  • Technical details

    • Horizontal single-axis solar tracking system (HSAT) with up to +/-55° inclination
    • Up to 9° slope in longitudinal direction
    • Up to 25° terrain slope in transverse direction (parallel to the slope)
    • Maximum of one vertically or two horizontally aligned large-area modules
    • More than 50% of components are preassembled to ensure operational quality and ease installation process
    • Intuitive HTML-based user interface
    • Standard industry components in drive, control and data management
    • Standardized open interface for SCADA system
    • Driven piles, helical piles, concrete foundations
    • Integrated cable management
    • Opt. mechanical PV inverter integration
  • Design principles

    We are happy to present our design principles to you in a transparent and comprehensible manner.

    On the basis of the <strong>Eurocodes</strong> and especially its <strong>National Annexes</strong> we provide you with systems that meet the requirements of wind, snow and earthquake loads as well as air and soil corrosivity.

    This enables us to provide a structural warranty for our systems for the <strong>entire</strong> planned operating lifetime.

  • PV modules

    Depending on the configuration requirements, the tracker system is suitable for both upright and transverse mounting. With our Omega TR1, all current PV modules can be bolted reliably and in accordance with the OEM manufacturer's specifications.

  • Cable management

    The integrated cable management concept enables simple yet protected (UV and mechanical) routing of the string cables above the torsion tube with cable bridges above the bearings and recesses under the module supports.

    As an option, we offer the integration of string inverters or DC collectors within the Omega TR1.

  • Downloads

    Technical Datasheet:
    DE  EN

    DE  EN

    IEC 62817 certification:

    All Downloads

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