Mounting Systems at the
New Energy World Forum
in Berlin

Mounting Systems at the New Energy World Forum in Berlin
New business contacts, networking and sharing with industry peers are topics that have been challenging in recent months due to the Corona pandemic. As a result, many new and innovative digital platforms have been created to fill this void of missed opportunities. However, no matter how well-functioning and great these new innovations may be, there is no complete substitute for face-to-face interaction and direct contact with other people.
The annual conference Forum New Energy World, which usually takes place in November, has been brought forward this year to September 24 and 25. Adhering to all hygiene and distance rules, the congress organization Conexio GmbH will hold the event outdoors this year. The program will include many inspiring keynotes, interactive elements and insightful exchanges between industry peers.

The New Energy World Forum has been the most important meeting place for innovators in the new energy world for more than 20 years. The focus of the Forum is on the exchange of ideas and the expansion of corporate networks. Following the physical event, a digital conference will be held on November 19 and 20. Here, the focus will be on knowledge transfer, information exchange and discussion.
Mounting Systems is one of the "Gold Sponsors" of the event and will have a booth. Join us at the event and come and talk about our Ground-mounted rack solutions for the solar energy turnaround. We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information about the event please click here.
Tickets can be here purchased.
Mounting Systems - More than a system. It's a brand.