Questions and answers

Where can the rafter spacing and the definition to the roof structure be changed in the tool?
Under the "Roof" tab at gray menu area "Substructure(UK)" the definition of the Supporting structures and under the menu area "Roof structure" the definition of the roof covering made become.
When using the Light-S & Light-EW systems, the desired module cannot be found in the tab "PV modules".
Modules that exceed the permissible Dimensions (1060mm width) are automatically hidden.
There will be only permissible module types are displayed. -
While editing the project, the program automatically jumps back to the "Project" tab".
An entered definition was saved incorrectly and causes an error. Close the current Project (Icon next to "Current project"), open it again and check the definitions you made earlier.
If I change the tilt angle of the modules in one version, it changes in all other versions as well
With the function "Versioning" only the arrangement/position of the modules is stored. At Änderen which the Definition of the substructure, recommends it to perform a manual versioning with different roofs.
When using the Light-S & Light-EW systems, incompletely connected module fields are generated
The calculation of the minimum distance between the modules generates an error.
To fix, the module inclination from 15° to 10° and again back at 10° change.
Can I use the alternative mounting material offered by Mounting Systems, e.g. for mounting the roof hooks?
Due to lack of strength verification, can be used in this case none Warranty are offered.
Can I fasten the horizontal rail directly to the rafter with an M12 screw?
In this case, unfortunately, we can not offer warranty.
How to install modules on a tiled roof without roof hooks?
Mby means of hanger bolts or unter Use of our Infix-Systems.
How can I mount modules horizontally (landscape)?
Since the modules According to manufacturer must not be clamped on the short side in most cases, there is the possibility of using a cross bond or the use of of the alternative roof hook "Vario to clamp on the long side.
I would like to ballast with the Trifix system. How can I realize this?
Trifix-systems are used due to the necessary high loads are not offered ballasted.
How much should I tighten the clamps and hammerhead screws?
Middle and end cterminals need with 8 Nm, hammerhead screws with 16 Nm dressed be
Modules come loose on the roof. What could be the problem?
In most cases, the middle and end terminals have been with more than 8 Nm dressed. Through this becomes the Gewinde der clamps damaged, which can no longer absorb the required tensile forces.
Can I also use the Mounting Systems products with above-rafter insulation?
For above-rafter insulation must be decided on a case-by-case basis, in general only the Infix system be used.