Mounting Systems on the sustainability path

Our energetic successes in the spotlight

Solar energy has long been regarded as a green source of power generation. But is that enough for a manufacturer of mounting systems to be sustainable? A clear no. It takes more than a "Made in Germany" seal to operate sustainably as a company.

Renewable energies

What does sustainability actually mean?

Sustainability means that we meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This includes ecological, economic and social aspects.

This is a central component of Mounting Systems' corporate philosophy. Our commitment to sustainability is deeply rooted: as a company in the solar industry and especially as a manufacturer, we benefit from our independence from imports and external resources. This self-sufficiency enables us to achieve significant CO2 savings through short transportation routes. But of course that is not all we have already achieved and still want to achieve.

We are determined to make our contribution to a sustainable future and are constantly setting ourselves new goals in order to continue to make positive changes to our ecological, economic and social perspective.

We are proud to share with you the goals we have achieved so far and our future plans in the area of sustainability.
Together we can make a big difference - for our environment, our society and future generations. Join us on the path to the energy transition.


How can we help you further?


PV Systems


Planning Tools

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