22 MWp PV plant Germany

What’s New in the PV Market? Depends on What Interests You
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News Residential & Commercial



Our new WorkshopVan brings training courses directly to you - flexible, practical and customised. Your mobile training centre for companies, trade fairs or events!




Since October, Jeannette Donda has been responsible for the new HSE department, which ensures a safe and sustainable working environment. In this interview, she explains how she integrates HSE into our corporate culture and what sustainability means to her.


Combining sustainability and career


Finde deinen Traumberuf – nachhaltig und mit Leidenschaft
You only live once - so make the most of it! Under this motto, our team supports apprenticeship seekers and students in shaping their professional future.

News Company

Evertz, Germany - 1.7 MWp


Are you looking for a partner who will also tackle smaller projects with you?
Here you can see an example that has just been completed. From pull-out test, corrosivity analysis to mechanical installation - everything from a single source!


FIXX the World - United for an environmentally friendly future


Discover the E-Port FIXX - the innovative solution from Mounting Systems that turns parking spaces into green energy sources.


Together for a green future: Mounting Systems takes part in city cycling


On your marks, get set, go! With the starting signal on 13.05.2024, we have actively moved for the environment for the third time in a row this year.


Mounting Systems on the sustainability path


Solar energy has long been regarded as a green source of power generation. But is that enough for a mounting system manufacturer to be sustainable?

Roof & Commercial

ETN certification from Mounting Systems sets new standards


We recently received the ETN certificate for the French market, a milestone in bringing our products to the French market.

News Company

1 year of cooperation with Krinner - a success story!


Krinner Ground Screws and Mounting Systems - a success story for a year now with projects in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden!

Best wishes to Straßkirchen!

News Company

Ter Apel, Netherlands - Sigma II w. ground screw


Project of the Month - MSY Group delivered the next interesting project to our partner Belectric in the Netherlands. Difficult ground and environmental conditions made our Sigma II the best possible solution for this project.

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